

En Gedi/Masada/Dead Sea Scrolls, Israel

God blessed me with a divine appointment to meet a Christian tour guide who volunteered to take me to his church in Mt. Carmel and then on a tour of the Dead sea area with some other new friends from Oregon. I really enjoyed seeing En Gedi - the oasis where David hid in the cave from King Saul. As well as seeing the Ibex, a deer-like biblical animal that lives in the area, up close and personal. It was also amazing to hear for the first time about the history of Masada and the famous battle that took place there while being on top of the mountain and seeing the ruins of King Herod's Palace. I was also excited to be able to see the place and some of the caves where the dead sea scrolls where found and it helped me understand how it took such a long time to find them. Much like the landscape of Egypt, the area around the Dead Sea is hot desert mountains for miles and miles and finding anything buried in them pretty much takes a miracle or an act of God or both.

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