

Jacksonville, FL

We didn't get to stay in Jacksonville very long, because we opted to go to New Orleans, and Panama City on the way to Jacksonville. New Orleans was strange to see after Katrina and Rita. I had been there before the hurricanes, and it was terrible to see the devastation and ghost town looking neighborhoods surrounding the city. The French Quarter looked exactly as it had been before, ands was by far in the best shape. After New Orleans we went to PC, and relaxed for a couple days on the beach. Next it was time to head to Jacksonville, FL for the Kingfish tournament. Jacksonville seems like a great city. I was able to see My Uncle Steve and his family, and had a good time at the Tournament event over all.

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Tampa, FL

We had an event in front of the Florida Aquarium which was fun because we got to go into the Aquarium for free and were able to have their kitchen clean our dishes, a process that usually takes about 3 hours and usually clogs up our hotel room tub. I got to spend a couple hours catching up with my Grandparents, and got a small tour of the Tampa and the beautiful campus of Tampa college. Florida is really hot!

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