

Washington D.C.

I have just visited Washington D.C. for the sixth time in my life. One of the things I really like about visiting our nations capital is that no matter how many times you visit, there is always something new to see, discover, or, in some cases, re-discover. I spent a day in D.C. this time, so didn't have any time for the museums I usually enjoy, but saw and re-capture a lot of my favorite sites and saw some new ones.
Seeing the Pentagon Memorial for 9-11 was a very sobering sight to see in representative form, the number of those who died on the ground and in the plane on that day.
Next I went to see The Air Force Memorial and Arlington National Cemetery where I saw the changing of the guard ceremony, then the White House, The Mall, The Washington Monument and The Lincoln Memorial. Here are some highlight pictures from the day.

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Washington, DC

After a week of training, me and my three other team members headed out from Atlanta on Saturday morning. We drove through the day and arrived in Arlington, VA at midnight. The next day we woke up , hopped on the Metro, and headed to DC. We went to see the Museum of Natural History, a couple art museums, as well as the Lincoln, Vietnam, World War II and Washington memorials.

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